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Custom Cwtch Themes


We are still finalizing the exact format of the theme files. Please consider this functonality experimental.

Good news, now you can create your own Cwtch light and dark themes with a simple template! Follow these steps to create a new theme:

Downloading and installing the test theme

  • Create a test folder, which includes: theme.yml (editable file), test.png (background image) and Instructions.pdf

  • Load the test theme through the settings pane. Settings > Import theme , select the “test” folder and click on “select folder”

  • Now you have the test theme installed and you can edit the .yml file

  • Check the instructions.pdf file for more in depth instructions on how to edit the .yml file and what each part of the code changes!

Editing the .yml file

  • Pick your colours using any web tool

  • Pick a colour to be your accent colour and select all the other colours based on that one

  • Open theme.yml

  • Replace the part under "colours" where 0xFFFFFF colours appear with the HEX value of colours you chose (follow the instructions after each colour for better results!)

  • Don't include the # on the HEX value

  • Replace test.png for a transparent png you want to use as a background, if you don’t want a background image, disable theme images on settings>theme images

  • Don't forget to save!

Testing your new theme

  • Re-load the test theme through the settings pane. Settings> Import theme , select the “test” folder and click on “select folder”

  • Repeat until you're satisfied with your new theme!

  • If you're an advanced user, feel free to edit the .yml code beyond selecting colours!

As always, let us know if this is working for you, we'd love to hear your feedback