- Standalone APK (works for arm7 and arm64): cwtch-v1.15.5.apk
sha512: 43ea78c2642b9e1c15c9bea019b613e2abec892987f7f69f9914998ea62f1c31566ca216629e730fe7c312ffcda7254d1f13ef23646f3900ea5238aef7dbbe90
- Note: Syncing experimental Groups on some Android devices can be very slow depending on the underlying hardware and configuration.

- Signed Installer: cwtch-installer-v1.15.5.exe
sha512: ac7bc60372f21c8a610348dc8b102daad84c51dac877c15f32f6284a3aaf41018fea64c113d4f05cf48769c3a76ba0214ca2ac13b807fd3c5aae7ce236ccc6bf
- Unsigned Portable EXE:
sha512: 8a9a48a6ac5b912c95185b01c520febd86f8770ec5c21f3d04a0eb62a7b6bbd3644b1cdc6c561a3ffb2f38b9eb60f209412df7b4f617bc3e30e3509b187c63eb
- Due to the newness of the Open Privacy certificate, Windows Defender Smart Screen may throw up a warning the first time you try to run the app. To bypass, simply click the "More info" button and then "Run Anyways"
- amd64: cwtch-v1.15.5.tar.gz
sha512: a61118adc2a5459f12e18fbd4b8fa67b7990781cb42b25e8a53c68886b36bdca8c3b844ff2c078bc593109c2c95523f01843c027785dfd8f45a629c27f71e2ed
- Addtional steps are needed to run Cwtch on more secure operating systems like Tails or Whonix
- Debian: cwtch-1.15.5.deb
sha512: 7fe6422a01d1e611af1ec3e2ad99d0de539502b3ed19fe79a5052727b33eda7bea85f8e39bad258f8cb3c598742b0a473ff85ae8926d2c9f71c51cd44ad03f74
- APT Repository
- Install the Cwtch public GPG software signing key:
wget -O- | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/ >/dev/null
- Add the APT repository:
echo 'deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/] stable main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
- Install Cwtch:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install cwtch
- DMG: Cwtch-v1.15.5.dmg (works for x86_64 and arm64e)
sha512: d11b847eb16972919ba05472b4f98ca33b1ca83927f4d0fe1ccce886d9c1ed20e76a20fb09d7060212e055c58f3845f500be6018cb5094a04cbcd726880c7db1
We would love to offer an iOS however there are several limitations of the platform that make this difficult. If you would like to support this effort please consider
volunteering or
donating to make that possible.
Build from Source
Everything we build is open source: