📄️ Developing Cwtch
This section documents some ways to get started with Cwtch Development.
📄️ Pruebas de Cwtch
Esta sección documenta algunas formas de comenzar con la prueba de Cwtch.
📄️ Custom Cwtch Themes
We are still finalizing the exact format of the theme files. Please consider this functonality experimental.
📄️ Translating Cwtch
Si quieres contribuir a la traducción de Cwtch o de este manual puedes aprender cómo aquí
📄️ Documentation Style Guide
This section documents the expected structure and quality of Cwtch documentation.
📄️ Stickers
All contributions are eligible for stickers. If you are contributing to bug, feature, testing, or language, or have contributed significantly in the past then please email erinn@openprivacy.ca with details and an address for us to mail stickers to.